Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes:
I have the pleasure to announce you all that LyX is Nominated for the
"Lutèce d'Or 2008"!

First for english speakers, you can look at this page:


I am going to the next OpenSource manifestation in Paris (details
below). As they asked for candidature for innovative projects I had
the idea to inscribe LyX and we are nominated :-)

Considering that "Paris Capitale du Libre" is really oriented towards
companies, the fact that LyX is nominated is quite a feat. Congrats, Adbel!

Well, congrats to us all :-)

Concerning the price, I would be surprised to be nominated in the
'innovation' trophy (since innovation in current newspeak really means
``something vaguely new but sold by a company''). So it has to be IMO
``The best foreign project in Open Source Software carried out''.

Of course, keep in mind that there is quite a step between being
nominated and getting a prize ;)

There's also the special jury price... we'll see. In any case, as you said, it's already nice to be nominated :-)


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