Micha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> I'm trying to see if I can write a layout file for the currvita latex class.
> The main environment is a list environment that should come out something like

> \begin{cvlist}{title}
> \item[one] text
> \item[two] text
> \end{cvlist}

> I can get the {title} part by adding
> LatexParam    {title}
> but that doesn't allow me to change this. Is there a way to insert that
> mandatory argument, layout file style option, tex code or otherwise?

There are two ways: as optional parameter (short title) or as a separate
Style. My dinbrief.layout uses the latter:

  # dinbrief's \phone has 2 args, area and number. We define an empty
  # command that can be set by the Area_Code style
  # dinbrief's \phone has 2 args, area and number,
  # define both as distinct styles
  Style Area_Code
        CopyStyle       DinBrief
        LabelString     "Vorwahl:"
        LatexName       "renewcommand{\areacode}"
  Style Telephone
        CopyStyle       DinBrief
        LabelString     "Telefon:"
        LatexName       phone
        LatexParam      {\areacode}
For the "short-title" way, you would need to define an auxiliary latex
command with optional argument, enable the optional arg with the keyword

        OptionalArgs          1
and set it with (the misnamed) Insert>Short-Title. 


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