Konrad Hofbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> How do I use lyxclient with LFUNs that need parameters, e.g. 
> "math-insert \alpha" ?

It works with the Python interface package LyX

INFO:lyxserver:starting lyx
LyX with an interactive lyxclient ('minibuffer-console').
   * Starts python and connects to a running LyX session (or starts 
     a new LyX session) with an lyx.LyXClient instance

   * The user is prompted for lyx functions (LFUNS), that are sent to LyX via
     the serverpipes
     Basically, all that works in the minibuffer (M-x line) works here.

   * A list of all LFUNS is available at 
     See also the (incomplete/outdated) Reference.lyx in LYXDIR/doc
   * Besides being a nice test of the LyXClient, this also provides a means
     to drag and drop the output of a LFUN to e.g. a bug-reprot or fan mail
     Solves Bugzilla Bug 197
       "Allow simple use of lyxserver by running lyx --server or similar"
     (if you count running lyx-Mx as 'similar')
   * Needs the LyX-Server running (Set Edit>Preferences>Paths>Server-pipe)
   *  To quit type "quit" or "exit" or press Ctrl-D.

M-x: file-new

M-x: math-insert \alpha



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