Alex schrieb:

I have installed Lyx maybe 3-4 months ago, but I have been really using it seriously in the past month. I am trying to write my thesis. The problem is that the program becomes really, really sllooowww after a while. What I mean is that it gets to the point where, while typing, it takes 2-3 seconds for *each* character/letter to appear on the screen.

This is strange. Currently 3 collegues of mine are also writing their thesises with LyX 1.5.6 and don't have this problem. The only explanation I have is that you have the View Source window open while typing, if so, this is bug

A little bit about my setup: I am using Windows XP, and I tried LyX versions 1.5.6 and 1.6.0 up to RC3 as they came out. Whenever I installed a new version, things were fine for a few days, but in at most a week I'm back not able to really use Lyx for writing.

When you write sensible documents like a Ph.D. thesis, it is strongly recommend not to use test releases like LyX 1.6.0xxx. These versions have bugs and it it might be possible that a LyX 1.6 bug interferes with your existing LyX 1.5 installation. So to be able to work on your thesis again, the safest is to kick out LyX completely from your computer, also LyX 1.5. Then restart and have a look at the registy if there are some LyX related-entries left and clean them if necessary. Finally reinstall LyX 1.5.6 and no other LyX version. Then the slogan applies "Never change a running system!"
I hope this helps.

regards Uwe

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