Hi everyone!

Ultimately I'm still trying to get the combination of memoir + noweb + mathpartir + diagxy going, but I thought I'd start with the basics: getting noweb as already supported by LyX going.

I have noweb installed and self-building. I have LyX 1.5.6 installed under Mac OS X 10.5.5. I copied "listerrors.lyx" from the "examples" directory buries in the LyX.app bundle to someplace I can get at it. So far, so good.

I opened "listerrors.lyx" and attempted to preview it with pdflatex. It turns out that there isn't a "NoWeb -> LaTeX (pdflatex)" converer preconfigured in LyX 1.5.6. Luckily, fixing this was as easy as selecting "NoWeb -> LaTeX (plain)," selecting "LaTeX (pdflatex)" in the "To format:" drop-down, and clicking the "Add" button. With this, previewing "listerrors.lyx" as PDF works like a charm, and is actually very impressive, with its cross-referencing, indices, and external links. Exactly what I'm looking for! I should try exporting to HTML next...

Now for the build-script support. I scrupulously followed the instructions in "Extended Features -> LyX Features needing Extra Software -> Literate Programming -> Generating documents and code -> Generating the code." That is, I created a script named "build-script" as follows:

notangle -Rbuild-script $1 | env NOWEB_SOURCE=$1 sh

I ensured that it's executable, and ensured that it is on my PATH. I also added the "NoWeb -> Program" converter using "build-script $$i" as the command and "parselog=listerrors" as the "Extra flags." But when I select "Build Program" from the "Document" menu, I get nothing. No alert, no results, nothing. Just to be super-sure, I exported "listerrors.lyx" to NoWeb, which worked fine, and then ran "build- script listerrors.nw" from my shell, which also worked perfectly: it generated the "listerrors" script in the same directory as "listerrors.lyx" (and "listerrors.nw," for that matter).

Does anyone know what the missing link from "Build Program" to "NoWeb - > Program" to "build-script" could be?


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