Daniel Joshua Stark schrieb:

I would like to install the class and BibTex files for the American Chemical Society Journal Submissions (achemso style package) on Lyx. I also tried making a very basic layout file.

I've tried following the numerous tutorials, but they don't seem to work, even after doing texhash and reconfigure. The only thing I can think of is that the tutorials are written for Unix or Windows and following them does not work right for Lyx 1.5.6 on Mac OS X 10.5.5, which I am running.

LaTeX-class files are independent of the OS, the same as for the layout files. So you first need to install achemso, the same way you install LaTeX-classes normally. The easiest way to do this is to use the package manager in case you use TeXLive 2008 as TeX-engine.

LyX unfortunately does not yet have layout file for achemso, so you have to create new one. The best way is to take an existing layout file (for example the file "iopart.layout") and adopt it for your class. The Customization manual explains the possible entries of layout file.

When you give me some days, I can also create a layout file as achemso would be of interest for other LyX users too.

regards Uwe

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