Benjamin Hentschel wrote:
Needless to say that I want it to be "Japanese supply networks" instead of "japanese supply networks". The same happens with names, which should definitely be written with a capitol letter at the beginning.

In Bibdesk, write: ... in {Japanese} supply networks ...
(i.e. put abbrebiations, etc., of which you want the capitalisation to be preserved, in curly braces).

I also recognized that when I declare it as a book in Bibdesk/Bibtex, every word starts with a capitol letter.

This is defined by the bibliography style you select in LyX. In some (many?) styles it is supposed to be like this, that article-titles are in lower-case, and book-titles in upper-case, and bibtex takes care of that automatically (which is very useful).

My question now is, can I manipulate the output somehow so that it appears the way it should?

So in Bibdesk, only put 'special' words into curly braces, in LyX, choose a bibliography-style that fits your need, and lean back and let bibtex take care of the rest. :)


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