On Tuesday 04 November 2008, a e wrote:
> Sorry if this has an stupid answer but I'm burned out triying to set up the
> correct margins for my document. I'm using Lyx 1.5.5 working with  two
> sided document (Document->Page layout-> two sided) (book class) and using
> "geometry" package with the following options.
> \usepackage[a4paper,twoside,includeall,outer= 2.5 cm,inner= 0.75 cm,
>  vmarginratio=4:5,textheight= 25 cm,ignoremp,bindingoffset= 0.5
> cm,pdftex]{geometry}

I tried using these options myself on a test document, and I get the correct 
margins.  I'm using LyX 1.5.4.  Can you post a minimal document which has the 


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