Frank Grimm wrote:

I'm looking for a way to insert (pre-formatted) text into a LyX document using a keyboard shortcut.

For example, I'd like to insert "i.e." when pressing a certain key combination. I tried to use the LyX function "self-insert" with the argument "i.e.", but with LyX 1.6 I only got the error message: "Can not insert shortcut to the list".

That's a bug. I'm getting that message pretty much no matter what I try to do.

Is there any way to add pre-formatted text to a LyX document? For example, when inserting "i.e." with the shortcut described above, I'd like to set "i.e." in an italic style and with a thin space between the two characters. Is this possible with LyX 1.6?

Yes, it should be. You can do it inside your bind file for now. You'll need to use something like: command-sequence font-emph; self-insert i.e.; font-emph; space-insert normal
Modify as required.


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