Bigler Stéphane wrote:
Dear all,
After installing mytek and lyx_1.6.0 on a windows XP, *all* the documents classes are unavailable.

I googled and none of the following helped me:

step_1) Make sure that the MiKTeX bin directory is on my system command path:
-> yes it is, I can launch latex from anywhere through a console.

step_2) Check if for example the class "report" is available.
At a DOS prompt, run 'kpsewhich report.cls'

and kpsewhich returns:
C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\base\report.cls
-> ok the class is available

Step_3) I checked in my home directory, which is:
C:\Documents and Settings\me\Application Data\lyx16\

and print an extract of the file “textclass.lst”:

# This file declares layouts and their associated definition files

# (include dir. relative to the place where this file is).

# It contains only default values, since chkconfig.ltx could not be run

# for some reason. Run ./ if you need to update it after a

# configuration change.

"aa" "aa" "article (A&A)" "false"

"aapaper" "aa" "article (A&A V4)" "false"

"aastex" "aastex" "article (AASTeX)" "false"

"agu-dtd" "AGU-article" "AGU article (SGML)" "false"

"agums" "aguplus" "article (AGU++ manuscript)" "false"

"amsart" "amsart" "article (AMS)" "false"

"amsbook" "amsbook" "book (AMS)" "false"

"apa" "apa" "article (APA)" "false"

"arab-article" "arabart" "article (Arabic)" "false"

"armenian-article" "article" "article (Armenian)" "false"

"article-beamer" "article" "article (beamer)" "false"

"article" "article" "article" "false"


-> all the classes are at “false”.

Please, please

I am stuck and do not know what to do to get the classes available.
Thank you for helping.

try to reinstall Lyx.
And which version did you installed? Standard installer or alternative installer?

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