
I am using Bibtex and the bibtex entry is mentioned below. Lyx/latex still has trouble figuring out the author for this citation style. Is there an error in the way this entry is setup esp. in the author field?

@Article{ qdots-strained-MBE-first-observation,
title = "Growth by molecular beam epitaxy and characterization of InAs/GaAs strained-layer superlattices", author = "L. Goldstein and F. Glas and J.Y. Marzin and M.N. Charasse and G. Le Roux",
        journal = "Applied Physics Letters",
        pages = "1099--1101",
        volume = "47",
        number = "10",
        month = nov,
        year = "1985",
abstract = "InAs/GaAs superlattices with ultra-thin InAs (few monolayer) were grown on GaAs substrates. Nucleation of InAs occurs in a two-dimensional or a three-dimensional way depending on the growth conditions. The physical properties: x ray, transmission electron microscopy, and photoluminescence were used to characterize the different growth processes.",
        url = "http://link.aip.org.proxy.lib.umich.edu/link/?APPLAB/47/1099/1";,
        doi = "10.1063/1.96342 ",
localfile = "/home/rmanoj/Research/Papers/QDots/Observations/Goldstein-growth-MBE-char-InAs-GaAs-strained-epilayer-superlattices-APL-0085.pdf", Summary = "Mentioned by QDH book to be the first observation of SK growth in strained MBE"


rgheck wrote:
Manoj Rajagopalan wrote:
Hi all,

In my document, I have inserted a Bibtex bibliography. For certain citation items, I choose the "<author> et. al." Citation style from the Formatting section of the Citation dialog. This is supposed to give me reference of the form "<author> et. al. [ref#] ...". However, when I view the DVI I only see text like "[ref#] ..." without the author's name as the citation style dialog promises.

Would anyone know why this is so? I am using the book(AMS) document class.

The usual reason is that there's an error somewhere in your BibTeX file. If BibTeX can't figure out the author and year for some entry, then it reverts to numerical citations.

If you're not using BibTeX but are entering the references manually, then the problem is that you can only use author-year citations if you're using BibTeX.


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