1. Suppose I have a math symbol #1 which has is subscriptedt. I now want to insert a second symbol #2 immediately to the left of #1. When I try to put a subscript on #2 the insertion point appears as a subscript on #1. This problem does not happen every time but does most times.

When editing in math mode you will notice small boxes around your text. These are analogous to {} in LaTeX. If you are adding a term (#2 in your example) to the left of an existing subscripted term, you must be sure that you are not within the box containing the existing term (#1 in your example).

Unfortunately this does not cure my problem. If I am in a displayed equation on the Mac version of Lyx, there are no small boxes around individual symbols. There is only a single possibility for placing the insertion point between two symbols them. That placement does not distinguish which symbol it is closest to. The result is it seems to consider the two symbols (#1 and #2) to be a single symbol and puts the subscript behind #2 --most of the time.

What version of LyX? I am running 1.6 on an Intel Mac. There are not boxes in this version, but little brackets under the term that indicate the equivalent of {}. Again, if you have something like
then be sure that when you add
        b^4 a^2
that the "b" term is not within the little "box" or brackets associated with a^2.

4. The page position jumps around a lot. Partly as a result of an equation compiling on the fly or un-compiling for editing an equation. Is there away to turn off on the fly compiling and select when desired? The default is that it seems to compile when the equation typing is finished.

I think that you can turn off "instant preview" in the document settings. I haven't done this, but it might do the trick for you if you don't want to see this. However, it may not allow you to see the compiled equation at all if you do that...

I have looked for this possibility and have not yet found it.

LyX -> Preferences -> Look and Feel -> Graphics

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