Giorgio Zavarise wrote:
I have a perhaps simple problem, but I am not able to solve it: when you insert a display formula you can either press first a carriage return, or not. If you press a carriage return this corresponds into an empty line in the LateX file, hence this results into a bit more space between the last text line and the equation itself. Unfortunately I am not able, looking at a LyX file, to figure out if before any display formula there is a carriage return or not. This prevent to have a homogeneous style, because usually at the end you have some equations that have more space, and other not. To make the cleaning the only way I know is to export to LateX and work on that file.

Hence my question is: s there a way in LyX to see this hidden carriage return?

Try View > View Source. If you did not hit enter before the formula, \[ will be contiguous with the end of the preceding text; if you did, you will see a blank line between the preceding text and \[.


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