jezZiFeR wrote:

> Thank you, so I don?t need to try to get it working.
> Would you really recommend to use biblatex? Is it stable and does it
> provide german terms also? Seems a lot of work an I even don?t get the
> first (pre-)step done. In the wiki I find the following sentence:

Yes. Having used jurabib for several years, I have switched to biblatex and
it is better. Jurabib is also a dead project. If you are starting a long
project (Ms or Phd or big article) go down the biblatex road, if you are on
a short deadline, keep jurabib.

By googling your example, you seem to be working in music history. Try 
Dominik Wassenhoven's biblatex styles
( They are done for the German
humanities style and I guess you can adapt it to your taste. 

> »create an new layout file in your user directory (Help?About LyX tells
> you where you can find this directory)?«
> I could openthe user directory, but I don?t see any layout-file. Or is
> meant sth different? I Don?t have »About Lyx« in my help-menu.

It is the last item of the Help Menu.


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