jezZiFeR wrote:

>>> error:
>>> LaTeX Error: File `biblatex.sty' not found.
>> Did you install biblatex on your computer ?
>> If not and you are using MacTeX follow the instructions here :

> Thanks ? I assumed it was installed with MacTex. It wasn?t, so I did
> that now?

If you want to use Dominik Wassenhoven's styles you must also download and
install them on your computer because, the styles are not included in the
standard biblatex. But you can do that later...

> The problem now is, that I don?t get an index. I have inserted a
> BibTex-Index   and tried different styles. As far as I understood it
> doesn?t matter, which one I choose. Or do I have to install a style
> also?

We are getting there.... You must now follow step 4 and 5 of the wiki

With step 4 you makebelieve LyX that is loading a normal bibtex file. After
step 4, you will find your references in the citation dialogue  

Step 5 is to print your bibliography where you want it in your text


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