Sorry, this is actually I follow up to my previous posting. I did not figure 
out how to post replies. So

Thanks to Konrad Hofbauer I found out how to use the IEEEtran class. Now I know 
how to install new classes (run sudo texhash and reconfigure LyX).

But graphics is still hit and miss. I installed imagemagic, as adviced, and now 
it shows some graphics. pdf works, some .eps files work (e.g., the one in the 
documentation), but most of my .eps files do not show up (funny, the one .eps I 
could make work does not work if it's in another directory). Any idea what 
could be the problem?

Anders Host-Madsen, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822

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