Hi all

I have been starting out with LyX and I'm having trouble with the personal
dictionary settings. Basically, whenever I tell the dictionary to add a new
word (eg 'dopant') it remembers the word for the duration of that
but silently fails to add the word to the personal dictionary file, so the
word never gets remembered later.

I am using the LyXWinInstaller version of LyX 1.5.6, and the Preferences
box shows that I am using the aspell ('library') version. I have
specified a file path for my personal dictionary, but the file remains

I have installed the aspell6-en-6.0-0 and aspell6-uk-1.4.0-0 dictionary
and these have sent files to ApplicationData in my profile. I am set up
a roaming profile, but I have set LyX to save documents and my personal
dictionary to a folder in my (out-of-profile) C:\ directory.

Any tips on how to debug this problem? Can I do something to make LyX tell
me when it's failed to save my personal dictionary, and why it might have



PhD Candidate
Room E216
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