Laser Yuan wrote:
I have attached the sample file bellow. I have put many equations in arrays
since I want to get multiline equation with single label and align them to
the left. But it turned out that elements in the array are not in display
style. Finally, I found using aligned AMS environment is what I desired. I
just need to put all of them to the second column to get them align left.
But situation now is that I have so many equations need to perform this
conversion. Could anybody give a  suggest on what I shall do to minimize the
workload. Thanks in advance!


Am I missing something, or isn't it just a matter of replacing "\begin{array}{1}" with "\begin{aligned} &"? If so, then you just do it in any text editor. For more complex stuff, you can use sed, or perl, or awk, or whatever. I tend to use perl, because you can just do this:

while (<>) {
   # operate on $_
   print $_;

and get a useful filter quite quickly, which you can then run via:
>perl <infile.lyx
and get the output on the console, where you can examine it.


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\begin_layout Standard
I have inputed so many equations like this ( faractions, exponentials are
 not in display style, equations aligned to the left, with only one lable):
\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
one lable}\end{equation}



\begin_layout Standard
What's the quickest way to convert all those equations into this style (all
 items are in display style )
\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
\begin{aligned} &
\label{eq:still one lable}\end{equation}




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