Hubert Christiaen schrieb:

I recently discoverd the tips at the end of the math manual. Ther are several things which are not completely wright according to those instrauctions, but it's hard to change it all now.

No problem, my annotations are only tips. Typography is only important when you 
plan to publish your
text as book or so. (As it seems to be a text for students, you can hire a 
student to do the
formatting for you - this is the usual way it work here at my university.)

Some figure where made with an vector graphics package, but most where made with a paint program. Does an export from vectorgraphics to PDF really conserve the 'elasticity' of the vector graphics?

A PDFimage can be both, pixel and vector format. When you create a PDF from a 
vector image, the
"elasticity" is preserved. So when you convert from SVG, WMF, EMF, AI, or EPS 
format to PDF you get
a vector image. For example the program "Inkscape" can convert from SVG to PDF, 
"Acrobat", "eps2pdf",
or "Ghostscript" can convert from EPS to PDF, "Adobe Illustrator" can convert 
from EPS and AI to
PDF, and via the program "Metafile2eps" (comes with LyX on Windows) in 
combination with an EPS to
PDF converter program you can convert WMF and EMF to PDF.

regards Uwe

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