Laser Yuan schrieb:

I need to write an description for an algorithm in my paper, which includes
several steps . Basically the Enumerate style will fit my purpose. Except
that I want a sequence like this:

Step 1 ...
Step 2....

instead of

1. .....
2. .....

Any method could achieve this style? Thanks in advance!
Here's a way to do it:

-Put the statement "\usepackage{enumerate}" in your document->settings->LaTeX-Preamble (of course without quotation marks)

-At any point you want to start your enumeration do not use enumerate style, simply add some TeX-Code (Crtl+L): "\begin{enumerate}[Step 1]". The statement in squared brackets is a prototype for your enumeration item, for other options google the docs of the enumerate package.

-In front of every item you want to enumerate, add again some TeX-Code: "\item " (the blank character is needed)

-At the end of your customized enumeration, add in TeX-Code: "\end{enumerate}"

I don't know if there are simpler ways, but this should work...


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