On Tuesday 24 February 2009 06:04:36 am NinaNutz wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a big problem... My thesis is finished and I cannot compile the
> complete pdf. When I export to pdf (any option) I only export 52 pages. My
> thesis is 350 pages more or less... but I cannot compile the complete one.
> The list of contents, figures and tables doesn't appears either.
> What can I do? Lyx doesn't show any mistake, every works ok apparently, but
> I only can export 52 pages...
> The version of lyx that I'm using is lyx 1.6.1
> Please, I need help...

OK, first take a deep breath, stretch, and calm down. It's just a technical 
problem, you'll solve it.

First things first: Back up your existing file so if you screw it up farther 
you can get back to where you are now. Once backed up, continue...

In addition to the other suggestions you've received, I'd like you to try 
export to .dvi, using the following:

lyx -e dvi myfile.lyx
dvisee myfile.dvi


xdvi myfile.dvi

or if you use Windows, whatever dvi viewer you have.

Either you'll get 350 pages, 52 pages, no result, or something else. If you 
get 52 pages, it's not specific to PDF -- there's something else going on. 
More on that later.

If it's 350 pages, there's something different about the way you're exporting 
to PDF. Take the next step and convert the dvi to postscript like this:

dvips -o myfile.ps myfile.dvi

Does it still have 350 pages? If so, convert from there to PDF:

ps2pdf myfile.ps

Does it still have 350?

The preceding procedure will help you figure out where in the 
lyx->dvi->ps->pdf conversion chain the problem is happening. If that doesn't 
yield good results, don't worry, there are many other diagnostic tests you 
can perform to get to the root of the problem.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

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