On 2009-03-04, Yago wrote:

> With LyX 1.5.6 the degree symbol was, for example:

> $sin30\textrm{\textdegree}$

> But with LyX 1.6.1 this code makes nothing in my dvi output, only sin30 =
> with no degree symbol. 

It works OK here. Maybe a font problem?

> Exporting the LyX file to LaTeX code, I wondering 
> with this code included by LyX because that's no exists in my preamble:

> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
> \declarerobustcommand{\lyxmathsym}[1]{\ifmmode\begingroup\de...@ld{bold}
> \def\rmorbf##1{\ifx\m...@version\b@ld\textbf{##1}\else\textrm{##1}\fi}
> \mathchoice{\hbox{\rmorbf{#1}}}{\hbox{\rmorbf{#1}}}
> {\hbox{\smaller[2]\rmorbf{#1}}}{\hbox{\smaller[3]\rmorbf{#1}}}
> \endgroup\else#1\fi}

This is a fallback for Unicode characters that do not have a math definition.
(LyX 1.5.6 did silently drop these!)

What is the LaTeX code for your (non-working) example?

> And I suspect that this code is the problem, but I don't know how can I =
> suppress it. 

This definition will only be inserted if there is some math box with
non-math Unicode chars inside in the document. It will dissapear in a
minimal example.

Alternatively, try if deleting (or commenting) these lines and running
LaTeX by hand helps (i doubt it).

> Or what's is the code to obtain the degree symbol in LyX =
> 1.6.1; I don't want the symbol: \lyxmathsym{=BA}. Thanks for your help.

I simply press the right key. Alternatively, you can switch to text mode
and insert \textdegree as ERT or use ^\circ in math mode.


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