Gesualdo Scutari wrote:
Dear all,

I'm writing because I have a serious problem using lyx 1.6.1 on my MAC OS 10.5.6 and MacTex 2008. I'm used to write papers to be submitted to IEEE journals. I use both article class in lyx and IEEEtran class. In both cases lyx cannot load the bibliography. I see only [?] in the dvi and there are no references at the end of the document. I use a bibtex file that works properly with any latex compiler.

Could you please help me? I was looking for a while on the web, but I cold not fix the problem.

Well, it seems that LaTeX can't find the bibliography file for some reason. The best way to debug this kind of thing is to export your LyX file to LaTeX and then process it from the command line. Hopefully, you'll then get the error message from LaTeX. Another option: While LyX is open, and after you've had a failed export, go to LyX's temporary directory (it'd be /tmp/lyxdir.OTHERSTUFF on Linux) and process manually there. Then you're actually processing exactly what LyX would.


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