Child document opened alone or together with its parent?
Performance inside the child document is much better. Only the master is 
concerned. It does not matter whether the master is opened or not. It even does 
not make any difference if the master or the child is opened first.

For me it looks like heavy internal updating inside the master is done for each 
included child-doc (it does not matter whether the child is opend).

If you are able to send me a test document (maybe privately) I'll have a look. Even better: put it in a new bugzilla entry.
Mailing is a problem since it's a whole project documentation, with pictures 
... Hopefully I can reproduce it with smaller documents. But I think some othe 
guys already have the same trouble (see above). I'm not familar with bugzilla, 
but if I can reproduce it I'll give it a try.

I wish I had some idea why this is happening only on certain platforms. Or is it only on certain platforms? I've not seen reports of this behavior under Linux, but maybe there are people with similar problems.

Have there been other changes to the Windows or Mac distributions from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2, besides the changes made internally to LyX?


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