I'm using LyX 1.6.1 in Windows XP and latest Lilypond version.
I had no troubles with including Lilypond files as external material till some 
weeks, but I can't assure the problem started when I upgraded from 1.6.0
Anyway, this is the problem:
When I compile, after including a external lilypond files which I still NEVER 
used, I receive this error message:

LyX: Cannot convert file
An error occurred whilst running lilypond -b eps -ps 

being the last line a (broken?) representation of Lilypond file path (which, by 
instance, is F:\DiLavoro\Tesi\files\lilypond\filename.ly): I leave it as an 
example of the corruption (?) of file path. The message is similar for every 
path I try to put my files. changing between LaTeX/Pdflatex (even in the 
include file options) doesn't solve anything.

(The error is given also if I try the "show in LyX" option, just after leaving 
the "include file" box.)

If it helps, I didn't realize the problem till today because old Lilypond files 
always work well, as if there were somewhere in a temp directory the 
corresponding ps or pdf, allowing LyX not to run Lilypond. (I couldn't find 
them, and I already DELETED any pdf or ps in the working dirs... VERY 

I'm puzzled, any idea???

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