Then it should be recognized -- but only after you reconfigure LyX
(LyX > Reconfigure).

I did that various times, but it still does not work.

Running texhas I get error-messages for every file in the texmf- folder,

texhash: /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var: directory not writable.

This indicates you need to run texhash as root: sudo texhash.

I did that now, but Lyx still does not find the biblatex-module.

texhash is relevant for updating your TeX installation when you add
new .sty or .cls packages. It is distinct from reconfiguring LyX,
which needs to be done when you add new .layout or .module files.

Thank you for that explanation!

On my other computer I have a texmf-folder
directly in the library, where the biblatex.module is saved, and
works fine. But on the other computer this folder does not exist…

It won't exist unless you create it.

Do I need that folder or is it okay, that biblatex-module is in
…/library/applicationsupport/lyx 1.6 ? Where do all the other files lie on
my computer, on which I don´t have that texmf-folfer directly in the

Could I just copy that folder from one computer to the other?

.layout/.module files are OS agnostic: there is no special Linux or
Mac or Windows version of them. So you can copy them from one computer
to another so long as you put them in the right place. But your texmf
folder is *not* the right place for .layout/.module files;

YES, that was it! I put it directly into the …/ly 1.6-folder! now it works!

On my other computer it really have this folder, which I do not have here. Is this folder used for LaTex? That´s the way it looks like:

<<inline: Bild 2.png>>

belong in your LyX User's directory (which on Mac is
~/Library/Application Support/LyX-1.6) in the layout subdir.

Please make sure when you're reporting your problems that you are
accurately describing what folders you are putting files in. There is
no .../library/applicationsupport/lyx 1.6 folder; it's
.../Library/Application Support/LyX-1.6 (note capitalization, spacing,
and hypthen). If you don't accurately describe it here, we're unsure
whether you're actually putting in in the right place or not, and so
unsure whether the problem is user error or a bug.

I see, thank you. Now I have put it in .../Library/Application Support/ LyX-1.6/layouts

Thank you a lot!

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