On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Bruce Pourciau
<bruce.h.pourc...@lawrence.edu> wrote:
>>> Using the AMS document class, how do you get, say, Equivalence Theorem,
>>> rather than just Theorem, as the title in the Theorem environment?
>> Between the word "Theorem" and the statement of the theorem, insert in
>> ERT:
>> [Equivalence Theorem]
>> (please, mind the brackets).
> Great, thanks Paul. And what if your theorem's conclusion has two parts that
> you would like labelled (a) and (b), rather than 1. and 2.?

Use enumeration, and between 1. and the statement of the conclusion,
insert in ERT:


(mind the brackets and between the ERT and the text of the conclusion
insert a space.)


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