Hi rh,

I think I'll just email it to you in a second to have a look.

Also I messed around a bit with the Christian Ridderström's BibTeX example available at http://wiki.lyx.org/Examples/SimpleUseOfBibTeX strangely enough, the citations work within the example file, but even if you try to use his database in your own project the same story happens -- no citations are visible.

On Sun, 05 Apr 2009 14:27:52 +0100, rgheck <rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:

Yury Davidouski wrote:
Hi there,

I have created a BibTeX file using BibEdt for Windows but I cannot seem to be able to insert citations into LyX projects. The citations database seems to be loading fine yet when "Insert/Citation..." is pressed there are no citations available in the list.

I've spent a couple of days already trying to figure out what is going on, am I missing something obvious?

You've done Insert>Lists and TOC>BibTeX Bibliography, right? Silly question, perhaps.

If so, then there has to be some catastrophic error in the database that's preventing proper parsing. Try starting LyX from a terminal or, if you like, send me the database and your file privately, and I'll have a look.



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