On Mon, 6 Apr 2009 17:12:49 +0200
Jürgen Spitzmüller <sp...@lyx.org> dijo:

> John Jason Jordan wrote:
> > So I'm getting closer, but still not quite there. I guess this is a
> > problem in XeLaTeX, but I don't know what to do next.
> It works for me with the DejaVu font. This is the corresponding LaTeX output. 
> Note that you need all the stuff marked by %<-- in Document>Settings>Preamble:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec} %<--
> \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{DejaVu Serif} %<--
> \usepackage{tipa}
> \usepackage{xunicode} %<--
> \usepackage{xltxtra} %<--
> \begin{document}
> test this: {[}bɪt͡ʃ{]}
> \end{document}

That gets me closer!

OK, here is what I did:

First, I had to delete "\documentclass{article}" because it was
creating a conflict with the document class setting in the GUI - and I
couldn't figure out how not to specify the document class by the GUI.
But that shouldn't be a problem. In the GUI I set it to article - plain.

Second, apparently some of the glyphs that I need are not available in
the DejaVu Serif font. I want to use Junicode anyway. So I changed the
font line by replacing DejaVu Serif with Junicode. And later I changed
it to just "\setfontroman{Junicode}." I get the same results either way.

And third, I changed the test text to be just "[bɪt͡ʃ]."

The results are interesting. I have attached a PDF of the word in huger
size, regular, italic, bold, and bold-italic. The PDF was created by
exporting to pdflatex and then using xelatex to convert to PDF. I hope
the PDF makes it through to the list.

Note that the tie bar is completely wrong. It is too high and it covers
only the t. More interesting is that the other characters dropped out
in bold and bold-italic. Yet Junicode definitely has those characters
in all four fonts. I also tested with Liberation and Arial Unicode MS,
both of which also have the characters in all four fonts, and I got the
same results.

I have no idea what is wrong with the tie bar. It works fine everywhere
else - OOo, Firefox, Abiword, Scribus - even here in Sylpheed, my mail
client. And it appears fine on screen in LyX. It just doesn't output
correctly from Lyx.

The fascinating part is the characters that dropped out in bold and
bold-italic. I say it is fascinating because that happens in all other
apps as well. Yet Character Map says the bold and bold-italic fonts
contain those glyphs. And that leads me to wonder how
LyX-LaTeX-XeTeX-xelatex are creating the PDF. For a long time I have
assumed that there is a bug in Gnome or Intrepid that is causing the
problem. And now I find it again. But I assumed that LyX & Co. are
using their own rendering engine. Gnome and Intrepid should have
nothing to do with it.

This may be a very deep question.

Attachment: newfile2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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