David Harmsworth wrote:
I'm trying to get LyX up and running,
The first question is: Can you compile simple documents using article, or some other standard class? I'll assume you can. If not, your LaTeX installation is completely broken.

but I'm getting the following error message:
The required file
is missing. It is part of the following package:
    Name: ieeetran
    Title:  Document class for IEEE Transactions
I get the same message for a couple of dozen other files. Most of them don't seem to be essential for my purposes, except for this one: tex/latex/pgf/basiclayer/pgf.sty (I can get LyX to operate, but I can't generate postscript output). I downloaded everything from the Wiki page, using the Installer Bundle: ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/bin/1.6.2/LyX-1.6.2-1-Installer-Bundle.exe,
since I didn't have a LaTeX compiler on my machine to begin with.  Does the 
version of MikTeX in that bundle not contain all the files needed for the 
version of LyX?
Neither this installer, nor any other, installs absolutely every LaTeX file someone might want to use with LyX. It's the job of your LaTeX installation to deal with that. In your case, that's apparently MikTeX, and my understanding was that it should install the LaTeX files you need on the fly. If it's not doing so, I'd investigate it.


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