Justin Carrera wrote:
Was LyX used to create this document on your site? http://www.lyx.org/images/meeting2008.png

No, I think that was done with some sort of mind-mapping software.


If it was could someone send me a reference to create a document like that? I like the way it is organized and the beer identifiers.


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:27 PM, rgheck <rgh...@bobjweil.com <mailto:rgh...@bobjweil.com>> wrote:

    Justin Carrera wrote:

         Yes a browser based version , so users can just edit on the
        web and allow
        access to other user for collaboration.  I am very interested;
        Is anyone
        else interested ?  I have some ideas and I am a programmer; if
        anyone wants
        to contribute to a web bases version just pass me a note.

    You're welcome to work on this if you like, of course. LyX used to
    have various frontends, so there's still enough separation that
    this kind of thing would be possible.

    That said, collaboration doesn't exactly require a web-based
    version, and other people have been working on making LyX more
    usable for collaboration in other ways. So you might want to check
    into that.


<i> love is all that I need </i>

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