I know this is a LaTeX (or Tex-live) question, but it keeps me from
running LyX:

I upgraded from ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04; now kpsewhich requires root
permissions: e.g. "kpsewhich article.cls" returns nothins, but "sudo
kpsewhich article.cls" returns the correct path.  Hence, LyX seems to
work fine when invoked as root, but not as an ordinary user.

Does anyone know how to debug this?  I used synaptic to uninstall, then
reinstall texlive, but that had now effect.  All of the ls-R files
appear to be world readable.  Running (sudo) texhash doesn't change
anything.  /usr/bin/kpsewhich has world-executable permissions.

...thanks!...dave case

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