
After a little reflection, I downloaded the 1.6.2 source files and voila
There they were under development/lyxserver.
Sorry people.

John O'Gorman

john wrote:
> A question for the developers
> For many years I have been using LyX as the document processor for
> Insurance Policy and Claims management standard letters.  It has been a
> brilliant application.
> I have a perl script which provides a GUI application where the user can
> run SQL queries which I then output as a series of perl assignment
> statements (e.g. $surname='Smith'; ).
> The user chooses a standard letter which is a LyX file with the
> placeholders of the form ${surname}.
> perl, having read the assignments, then outputs the LyX file with the
> ${id} vars magically instantiated to the correct values and lo we have a
> document which via the LyXServer mechanism gets passed to a running LyX
> application. The user can edit the file and save changes. My program
> then saves the file back into the database.
> This has worked superbly for 10 years.
> When I first started this project, we used a LyX perl package LyX which
> included LyX::Client.pm and LyX::Polite.pm
> I added my own perl script: LyXTable which produced valid source for a
> LyX Table.
> Sorry for this long preamble.
> I have searched the LyX websites for Client.pm and Polite - not there?
> Nor have they ever been on the CPAN.
> My question: Do you still maintain the LyX perl packages for current
> versions of LyX or have you abandoned them in favour of the new religion
> Python.
> My application is a more natural fit for perl than for Python.
> John O'Gorman

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