Another one for the developers

I have tried the with LyX 1.5.6 (on openSUSE 11.0).
It works but not out of the box.

The problem is that expects to find the serverpipe assignments
in the file: .lyx/lyxrc
I don't think that has been changed since 1999.

LyX now seems to write the serverpipe assignment in the file:
./lyx/preferences and there is no file lyxrc (although there is a

What is the most principled way to proceed?
Every thing works fine if I copy lyxrc.default to lyxrc and edit the
file to include the statement:
\serverpipe "~.lyxpipe"

But should the program be altered to read the file: preferences?

I am willing to make the necessary changes and submit them.

John O'Gorman

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