"<pick nit>Technically, they installed with MiKTeX; LyX is not 
responsible for them.</pick nit>"

 ....My bad.

"To fix this, you have to run the MiKTeX Settings 
application, click the "Refresh FNDB" button (FNDB = file name 
database), then restart LyX."

Cool beans. It works. 

I am greatly relieved to see that with minor tweaking JabRef and LyX do 
co-mingle perfectly in windows. From looking at past posts, I started to think 
I had to migrate my dissertation to linux (not really an option at my 
department) for them to work together fully. 



-----Original Message-----

Paul A. Rubin <ru...@msu.edu>

To: castelol...@aim.com

Cc: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org

Sent: Sun, 17 May 2009 07:02:28 -0700

Subject: Re: JabRef and LyX, manually putting .bib files into MiKTeX 2.7

castelol...@aim.com wrote:

??? I just started using LyX 1.6 and JabRef 2.4 and I read here that you

??? cannot push refs from Jab into Lyx in windows xp.


??? Here's the strange thing (coming from a beginner's perspective), I

??? can create a bibliography because there are .bib files already in the

??? appropriate MiKTeX 2.7 folder that appears to be supplying Lyx with

??? its database. I can also manually put my JabRef .bib into that same

??? subdirectory (C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\bibtex\bib\bibtopic) and it

??? appears in the dialogue box along with the others (examples that

??? installed with Lyx).

<pick nit>Technically, they installed with MiKTeX; LyX is not responsible for 
them.</pick nit>

??? But, insert>citation does not show any references in my .bib, though

??? the others do appear and can be inserted as citations and appear in

??? the references at the end of the doc.

Confirmed. To fix this, you have to run the MiKTeX Settings application, click 
the "Refresh FNDB" button (FNDB = file name database), then restart LyX. In 
general, dropping a file somewhere in MiKTeX's directory does not make MiKTeX 
aware of it; you have to refresh the file name database to let MiKTeX know it's 
there. (The same is true for all LaTeX distributions, by the way.) The curious 
thing here is that LyX apparently relies on MiKTeX to find the .bib file when 
looking for its contents, but not when listing it in the bibliography insertion 
dialog. Quoting Emerson: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little 
minds ..."

In any event, this is not the preferred way to access your own BibTeX files 
(see below).

??? There must be, at the very least,? a way to put the .bib files in the

??? right directory manually?

The "right directory" is wherever your .bib files would normally live 
(typically but not necessarily somewhere in the vast morass of My Documents). 
In the bibliography insertion dialog, click Add... > Browse..., drill down to 
your .bib file (which can be anywhere), then click Add.



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