... There are more complex commands which will let you insert things in
the upper left on odd numbered pages, etc., but we will refer you to the
fancyhdr package documentation for more information. (Find the file

As a final example, it is possible to include an image in the header or
footer. Suppose you want to put a company logo in the upper lefthand
corner. You might try something like


(you may need to preface this with \usepackage{graphics} if you don't
include graphics elsewhere in your document) ...

[See Reference: Help -> Additional Features (Extended.lyx)]

Christiaan Pauw wrote:
> Hi Everybody
> Is it possible to use background colours in a header, footer and margin
> (or part of a each) only. I want to create a layout for a report that
> looks something like this:
> odd page
> ____________________________________
> |coloured background|     Chapter         page# |
> |    _____________|                    |
> |________________________________|ll__    |
> |_page#  Chapter___________________ __ |
> Any ideas?
> regards
> Christiaan

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