
My problem is that when I make a pdf using the IEEEtrans.sty  in LYX 1.5 and
a pdf of the "same" document (exporting it from 1.5 => plain LaTeX => import to 1.6)
in LyX (1.6.0 as well in 1.6.3) it has different margins and letter sizes.

I assumed that the style should define the margins, letter size etc. and not Lyx. I rechecked and everything is on default in LyX for both documents (but adding \usepacke{subfigure}).
...and they use the same IEEEtrans.sty document.

Thanks for your help.

- helmut

PS: I had to do this complicated way (exporting it from 1.5 => plain LaTeX => import to 1.6) because I used in the original document \subfigure[]{} in ERT and plain opening with 1.6 did not work for me.


Helmut Hauser
Institute for Theoretical Computer Sciences
Technische Universitaet Graz
Inffeldgasse 16b, I
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Tel: + 43 316 873-5821
Fax: + 43 316 873-5805

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