Thank you! I fixed my bib-file (it did miss a year!), so that was
certainly good advice. I also downloaded some additional packages
through Miktex and tried out some other citation styles. Some of them
work (such as apalike or plain), but the ones I would need don't.

The citation styles that don't work all give me a lot of error
messages saying "Undefined control sequence." and the error
descriptions look something like this (this one came when I used the
style chicago):

" ...r{Aiginger}{Aiginger}{2007}]{Aiginger.2007}

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined."

I do not know why the name of the author (Aiginger) is repeated so
often, that is not the case in my bib-file. In other error messages,
symbols like % suddenly appear in the text where there are non in the
bibtex file.

Does anybody know what the problem might be?

I tried different encodings when I exported my references from citavi
to bibtex (UTF-8, US-ASCII, Western European (ISO), ...) but nothing
changed. Is there a specific encoding I should use?

Thank you!

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 8:07 PM, rgheck<> wrote:
> Lea Rennert wrote:
>> In Document  > Settings > Bibliography I chose natbib with author-year
>> style. I inserted the Bibliography through Insert > List/TOC..., where
>> I uploaded my .bib-file.
>> When I choose the style "plain", creating a pdf works without
>> problems, but the Bibliography shows up using numbers, both in the
>> Text - e.g.: [2, 192] - and in the Bibliography, which is not what I
>> want.
> This is almost always due to some sort of error in your bib file. A missing
> year in an entry, for example, will force BibTeX to use numerical citations
> rather than author-year citations.
>> All the other styles I've tried (natbib, plainnat, apacite, ...)
>> produce various error messages when I create a PDF, and in the PDF the
>> Bibliography is all garbled up (Authors' names appear several times,
>> the German Umlaut-Letters like ö/ä/ü are not printed, formatting is
>> messed up, etc.).
> If these are written with umlauts in the bib file, that also could cause a
> problem. It depends very much upon encoding issues and the like.
>> I have been looking for a solution for hours now, and I am just not
>> sure where my problem lies or what to do next. Should I try changing
>> the document settings in Lyx (in the Preamble, for example)? Or do I
>> need a program to edit the bib-file? Which program would be easy to
>> use on windows? Or could the problem be that my .bib-file is not
>> configured right?
> A bib file is just a text file, so you can open it in notepad or whatever.
> But you might want to use something like JabRef, which will give you a nice
> interface to the file.
> Richard

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