Dear all

I'm writing a thesis that uses a lot of rather large figures imported or pasted 
from different programs. At present I can't seem to view them in DVI or PS 
output, only in PDF, I'm curious to know why. Also one of them is longer than 
it is wide (probably a bit more than twice as much) and Lyx keeps rotating 
it 90deg to the left. If I rotate it to face the right way without overlapping 
or losing the caption (270deg from center top) it creates a large space between 
the bottom of the image and the caption. I've contrived a fix by changing the 
outlay so that it was more square, which works but is not ideal, does anyone 
have a suggestion for keeping long thin figures facing the right way?

I'm using Lyx ver 1.6.3 on Windows XP, using the report document class that 
I've tweaked slightly to meet my formatting requirements (but without adding 
any Latex preamble).
I'm rather new to the whole thing so if there's some vital information I've 
left out or something obvious I'm overlooking please don't hesitate to point it 

Thanks in advance



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