Adrian Diaz wrote, (Tue, 14 Jul 2009)

> I am writting my thesis with lyx 1.6.3 with document class book(more font
> size) Layout page fancy.
> i need a roman numeration for: Tables Conts, list of figures and list of
> tables as : i ii iii iv ....etc(ascending order)
> and the others pages with arabic numeration (ascending order too) as 1 2 3 4
> ........etc.

The following way works here. [It's taken from the LaTeX preamble used in
some LyX help manuals (book and book KOMA-script classes)].

In the LateX preamble add the lines:

  \mainmatter }
  \mainmatter }
  \mainmatter }

Note: If the document language is Spanish, roman (i, ii, ...) is
changed automatically by Small Caps (I, II ...) as it's the standard.

Ignacio García

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