rgheck wrote:
On 07/15/2009 10:25 AM, Sam Liddicott wrote:
If I type: server-goto-file-row THISFILENAME.lyx 20
into the Lyx command buffer, it always goes to the top of the document.

(I'm using Lyx 1.6.2).

Am I using the command wrongly...?

Probably. I suspect you haven't run LaTeX on the file yet.

Here's what the docs say:


* Action Sets the cursor position based on the row number of generated TeX file.

gah! thats horrific!

I mean it's excellent that it can do the reverse mapping of a tex file....

but it means there is no way to navigate the Lyx file - even if the specified filename ended in .lyx and not .tex

My C sources aren't generated via the tex files (partly because it's not simple to get Lyx to export a tex file from a noweb document without running noweb).

I really need to be able to navigate to a line (and column even) in the Lyx file.


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