Piero wrote:

But you're true, I would love to know how
> to create a style of mine with less effort and low programming skills.

1) In your local tex directory (here /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/) 
create a new directory for example Faustini
2) In Faustini create 2 sub-directories a) cbx b) bbx
3) In Faustini/cbx copy verbose-trad2.cbx and rename it Faustini.cbx
3) In Faustini/bbx copy verbose-trad2.bbx and rename it Faustini.bbx
4) Edit Faustini.cbx and Faustini.bbx and adapt the line ProvideFiles at the 
top to reflect the new name Faustini
5) In Faustini.bbx look to the bottom of the file the different macros 
called DeclareBibliographyDriver. You have one for 'book', one for 
'article', one for 'incollection', etc. Each of these macros controls the 
what fields are printed, in what order and how fields are separated (comma, 
collon, etc.)
6) Suppress in the different \DeclareBibliographyDriver the lines called 
7) Run from the command line texhash to refresh the LaTeX cache
8) Use the style Faustini in your LyX file


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