Some questions related:

   - When I want to use this system in the final text, composed by parts,
   chapters (they have the bibilographies), sections and subsections, Lyx gives
   an erorr in the output:

*Use of \...@chapter doesn't match its definition.

If you say, e.g., `\def\a1{...}', then you must always
put `1' after `\a', since control sequence names are
made up of letters only. The macro here has not been
followed by the required stuff, so I'm ignoring it.*

   - How can I delete the word *Bibliografía*? I used to write the
   *, but here doesn't works.

   - If I add the \nocite command to a bibliography, ¿how knows LyX wich
   .bib file must he use to extract all the references? That's because I have
   one .bib file by chapter, and one chapter by artist I'm writing about, and
   there must be a lot of references, and only som of them cited on the text.

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