On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Joachim Osnabryg<o...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
> sorry, again with changed subject (still hoping for help):
> Hi LyXers, especially on Mac-OSX:
> With my German keyboard on Mac-OSX normally I can get with
> alt+a | d | e | o |  t | p | + | x | c | m |  l  |  ö | ä  etc.
> the following special letters/symbols:
>       å  | ∂ | € | ø | † | π | ± | ≈ | ç | µ | @ | œ | æ etc.
> which I find very practical.
> But because of the key-bindings in LyX (mac-bindings in this case, see
> Help=>Keybord-Shortcuts or similar) these
> usual key combinations for special characters are disabled in LyX.
> Of course one can disable any key-binding in LyX (so they are not usable
> at all and the system key-combinations will be in effect in LyX, too) or
> create another one, which seems rather laborious and time-consuming.
> I hoped I could vary the keybinding of LyX or of Mac-OSX with one ore few
> steps, e. g. change from alt+x
> to command+alt+x or similar to avoid this problem, but I didn't find out,
> how.
> Can anybody show a way to get the wanted result, i. e. holding the LyX
> keybindings and
> ==> create other key-combinations for the special letters/symbols which in
> other programs are got with alt+x?

I don't know much about German keyboards, but the easiest way I know
to change keybindings in LyX is to go through LyX > Preferences >
Editing > Shortcuts and do each one manually. (You can manually edit
the keybindings file, which is at ~/Library/Application
Support/LyX-1.6/bind/user.bind. Just make sure you have a backup to
revert any changes that don't work.) So it looks like you'll have to
do each one separately. Fortunately, it's a once-and-done thing.


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