On Thursday 30 July 2009, Siegfried Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel wrote:
> > My problem is that the file does not load completely
> Did you try to look at the LaTeX code ( Visualize -> Show LaTeX Code )
> to see where LyX stops the import ?
> Alternatively, try to export back to see where the import stops.
> Siegfried.

Have you tried manually converting the latex to lyx?
Copy and delete everything from your latex file starting from the top down to 
the \begin{document}
Save this to a new file, eg. preamble.tex

Comment out the main document class:
Also comment out other packages which conflict with lyx, eg. setspace, xcolor, 

Now create a new lyx file, and input your latex preamble under
Document -> Settings -> LaTeXPreamble

Also set any custom class options under Document -> DocumentClass
e.g. dvipsnames, x11names, svgnames (for the xcolor package)

Finally import your original latex (lacking the preamble)

Then use a lyx converter to compile your lyx. If you get any errors, look 
through the log to find any errors in your preamble.tex. If there's a package 
that conflicts with lyx, then comment it out. Try again.

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