Venable wrote:
Thanks for the great suggestion, I will give that a try.

I am a bit of a LyX noob, so the following may be obvious as well,
but: will that export well to plain LaTeX? I have some collaborators
who I have not (yet!) been able to convince to move to LyX, so being
able to share documents is important to me.

Yes, it should (does) export seamlessly.

I'm attaching a first shot at the module (charitably assuming the list server lets me add an attachment -- I seem to be on its s**t list sometimes). I used "incremental" rather than "step" in the descriptive stuff to be consistent with the Beamer manual. Just drop it into your local layout directory (the one under the "user directory" listed in Help > About LyX), reconfigure (Tools > Reconfigure) and restart LyX, and you should be good to go. Please let us know if it works or if it trips up.

Richard, I tried putting the option [beamer.cls] in the \DeclareLyXModule line, and managed to offend LyX mightily. Is there some other way to specify that the module requires a particular document class, or is that left to the reader as an exercise?


PS: I'm going to upload this to the wiki. Assuming no bugs (and there's always a first time, even for that), should we nominate this for inclusion in a future release? On the one hand, I see module bloat in the future. On the other hand, I use Beamer a lot, and I find myself specifying incremental overlays repeatedly (to the point that I'm kicking myself for not thinking of the module idea myself).
#Provides new bullet/enumeration lists, with and without alerting,
#that contain incremental overlay specifications (each item appearing
#on a new overlay).

Style EnumerateIncremental
  CopyStyle Enumerate
  LatexName stepenumerate

Style ItemizeIncremental
  CopyStyle Itemize
  LatexName stepitemize

Style EnumerateIncrementalAlerted
  CopyStyle Enumerate
  LatexName stepenumeratewithalert

Style ItemizeIncrementalAlerted
  CopyStyle Itemize
  LatexName stepitemizewithalert

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