On 08/11/2009 12:53 PM, Adrian Diaz wrote:
Hi rgheck
I am writing my thesis with lyx 1.6.3, and i have set up the Document Class:
book (more font sizes) and in Page Layout ->  Headings Style: headings.
I would like to watch all numbers of pages at the botton of center on each
page. However there are number of pages which appear at the top rigth  of
some pages.

Which pages are these? Is there any pattern?
Yes, there is a pattern. For example: when on the firts page where appear "Chapter" and the name of the chapter, the number of page appears at the botton center, however the next page until the last page (where the chapter end) the numbers of pages appear at the top right. The file example_numeration.jpg shows
a example.
That's normal behavior for the headings style. Page numbers are upper right (actually, upper outer, for two-sided), but bottom center for starts of chapters, etc. If you want to modify this, you'll need to use fancyhdr, I think, which is discussed in one or another of the LyX docs.


PS Keep discussion on the list, in case someone else has a better answer! And also in case others want to know the answer....

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