Luca Carlon wrote:
Hi! I'm writing my thesis and now I would need to put some algorithms and codes
to my LyX document. I created a float Algorithm and I placed in it a program
listing. I see it is even possible to select many useful options, I think it is
really great and very very comfortable. There one thing I'm not able to fix...
it seems the algorithm doesn't go to the new page... One single page is not
sufficient to contain the entire algorithm... Is it possible to make LyX go to
the new page with the same algorithm?

Floats are specifically for stuff that do fit on a single page. Here are a couple fo solutions:

* Break the algorithm up into smaller pieces. This may be cumbersome
  though, especially if you change the algorithm later. Works best
  with full-page floats.

* Insert the algorithm as a "listing" instead of an algorithm float.
  This is different from floats, but it works with long algorithms.
  There are lots of options for listings, you can get
  pretty-printing, syntac higlighting and line numbers, if you like.

Helge Hafting

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