On Wednesday 02 September 2009, Christian Ridderström wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Sep 2009, Jeremy wrote:
> > Have you read the pdf documentation from the KOMA website? There is a
> > German and English version available: scrguide.pdf scrguien.pdf
> >
> > Some documentation is only available from the latest KOMA guide book
> > (available only in German)
> I'm reading a version of scrguien.pdf, but I still haven't figured out how
> to have multiple lines in my header and footer for instance. Any ideas?
> cheers
> /Christian

The German version scrguide.pdf is more up-to-date than the English 

If you want to modify the default header & footer, look into the commands

For example, in the preamble of your lyx file 
add some code defining a header:

% Define some komavars

% Define PATH

% Now define \myletterhead
         This is the first line of header.
      % This is the next line of header
         \definecolor{headercolor}{cmyk}{0.32549, 0.11373, 0, 0.23529, 0.39216}
         {Office:~\usekomavar{fromphone}} \hfill
         {Fax:~\usekomavar{fromfax}}   \hfill
         {Web:~\usekomavar{fromurl}}   \hfill
\firsthead{\usebox{\myletterhead}} %construct new koma \firsthead

We could also use saved boxes instead:

Then at top of your lyx document, you can insert some ERT code  to initialize 
your sbox letterhead:


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