
sorry for replying sooo late.

> I do not have administrative privileges at work computers but am so dependent 
> on using lyx for my writing and want to be able to use it on a USB drive or a 
> network drive that I have access to. I wondered if anyone has used Lytex  as 
> suggested in the wiki?
> I tried it and get error messages. The home page for Lytex does not give any 
> email addresses for requesting help.

I have successfully used LyX from a USB stick in the past.

In fact LyX itself seems to be "portable" right out of the box.

The point was to get a LaTeX installation that works from a stick without 
"installation". I managed to get it done by using TeX Live 2008. I bought a 
copy of their DVD (you could also download the iso disk image) and simply moved 
the entire contents to my USB stick, alongside the LyX folder. Again: I did 
_NOT_ "install" TeX Live using the installer on the DVD, but only copy the 
contents from the DVD to the USB stick. Then I modified the tl-lyx.bat file 
from http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~elts2/lyx/tl-lyx.bat as follows:

@echo off
set TEXDIR=%~dp0
set tldrive=%~d0

set TEXDIRW=%USERPROFILE%\.tlportable2008\
if not exist "%TEXDIRW%" md "%TEXDIRW%"

set TEXMFDIST=%TEXDIR%texmf-dist
set TEXMFLOCAL=%TEXDIR%texmf-local
set TEXMFHOME=%TEXDIRW%texmf-home
set TEXMFVAR=%TEXDIRW%texmf-var
set TEXMFCONFIG=%TEXDIRW%texmf-config
set TEXBINDIR=%TEXDIR%bin\win32
set platform=win32

set PERL5LIB=%TEXDIR%tlpkg\installer\perllib
"%TEXDIR%tlpkg\installer\perl" "%TEXDIR%install-tl" --portable
if not errorlevel 1 goto doit
echo Initialization of TeXLive failed!

path %TEXDIR%bin\win32;%path%

set LYX_DIR=%TEXDIR%..\LyX16\
path %LYX_DIR%python;%path%
path %LYX_DIR%bin;%path%
path %LYX_DIR%imagemagick;%path%

set GS_DIR=%LYX_DIR%ghostscript\
path %GS_DIR%bin;%path%
set GS_LIB=%GS_DIR%lib;%GS_DIR%fonts;%GS_DIR%Resource

%TEXDIR%..\LyX16\bin\lyx.exe %*

I never managed to make the TeX Live "package manager" work in portable mode, 
so I had to install and update packages "by hand", but well, *sigh*...

Hope this helps,



NO "Courtesy Copies" PLEASE!

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